Lamb's rock is perhaps the most favorite place for picnic parties near Coonoor. It is a point on the way to Dolphin's Nose, and the Seat was so called by the then Collector Mr.E.B.Thomas, after one Captain Lamb who made earnest attempts to open a path to the place.
It is situated in Burliar village and is about 8 kilometre from Coonoor. The rock is a sheer precipice of jagged rock drops down several hundred feet to bury itself in the luxurient jungle below.
There are a few views which are beyond compare. On the right hand yawns to great Hulical ravine and from its base some 5000 feet below, ascends the roar of the Coonoor stream. The Lamb's Rock is a sheer precipice of several hundred meters and commands a good view of the Coimbatore plains.