He has written a book on the Baduga community, "The Indigenous Badugar Of The Nilgiris". He has clearly stated in his work that the Baduga are the aboriginal Tribes of the Nilgiris with proper evidence and reference.
He has also quoted the mistakes done by some foreign authors who have given the wrong information about Baduga Community and their Origin. He has given the correct information where it has been wrongly stated.
He says that the True history of Baduga who were/are inhabiting in The Nilgiris before the birth of Lord Christ. He has also said that the connection of Baduga with the Mouriyan Empire, Ganga Dynasty, Hoysalas, Vijayanagara Empire, Sulthans and Mogal Emperors and the Britishers. He says about the Baduga country, Language, Hamlets, Baduga King Kalaraja, Worship of Hethe, Baduga Trade, Proverbs, Fire Making, Cloth Making, Ash-mounds and more.
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